"NLA is different from many other consulting firms. They often receive the bulk of their compensation over time from realized savings. They don't make promises and hope for the best. Their consultants are seasoned industry veterans who are past top executives of operating companies. They only use two or three specialists to do their initial visit - a less disruptive and less expensive approach."

Ron Decker
Director, Entrepreneur Program
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire

NLA engineers supply chains, enabling clients to make measured trade-offs between vendors, transportation, labor, capital, inventory and service. Fine-tuned networks can save manufacturers and distributors as much as 50% in direct logistics expenses, reduce inventories, enhance accountability and improve service.

Successes Include

  • Best practices study of B-C supply chain operations in e-commerce environment for the Nautilus-Bow Flex exercise equipment organizations, including home delivery operations.
  • Re-engineered inbound logistics for the seriously disrupted supply chain of international shipments of flat screen televisions from Pacific Rim manufacturers inbound to US retailers by: gaining control of Value Added Tax disbursements within Asia; planning for rear area ocean shipment consolidation; and identifying domestic US flow distribution operations for products destined to major US retailers.
  • Re-engineered the international air cargo export of individual soldier's gear for a US based defense contractor, and correspondingly reduced air cargo and ocean spend by 55%.